• Jethro Tull's Martin Barre | Aqualung Album
    Jethro Tull's Martin Barre | Aqualung Album

    Steve Strange Stage | Friday 29th November 2024

WinterStorm Rock Weekender

Martin Barre and Aqualung

I don't remember when I was first introduced to Aqualung. It probably was after Bursting Out so I was definitely late to the party but it somehow makes the forthcoming performance of the full Aqualung album by Jethro Tulls' own Martin Barre at Troon's WinterStorm so special. Another one of those I was there moments again perhaps?

Back in the day I think we all had our own favourite albums and special bands that were our own wee "secret" and even to this day I remember our young rock crew at school and who each of their go to artists and albums were. The good thing about that was that even if you were into AC/DC big style in 78 you were going to get exposed to Pink Floyd and Yes and Genesis and Wishbone Ash and The Enid alongside the heavier stuff of Motorhead and the raft of NWOBHM releases that we all lapped up. You'd get an album overnight from a mate and you'd get the TDKs out and record it on one side of your AD90 unless it was a ridiculously long prog album then you'd miss the last three minutes of the final track - I may be wrong but I recall that Aqualung just got in there complete!

But I do remember Bursting Out first and then going forward and listening to Aqualung and thinking that was clever. I might have been 18; I didn't know how clever! That opening riff? Just a classic and how good is it going to be hearing that played by the original master of it?
The average WinterStorm fan may or may not not have full knowledge of Jethro Tull's back catalogue but most if not all will have Aqualung as a reference point in their awareness of Prog Rock whether it be through Tommy Vance's Friday Rock Show or older brothers and sisters or just progressive mates!

It's a bit like Focus at WinterStorm last year; Sylvia and Hocus Pocus were the hook that reeled in an audience to then be absolutely spellbound by a set of top class musicians on their game. We were told a prog rock set in the middle of a Classic Rock festival was stupid...
So here we are a few weeks away from WinterStorm 2024 and we're back down the Prog Rock worm hole with Martin Barre, the original deliverer of that famous riff and lead guitarist for Tull for what 45 years give and take a few months.

WinterStorm has prided itself in showcasing some of the world's best guitarists and everyone will have their favourite memories but Bernie Marsden and Bernie Torme are up there; Uli Jon Roth is a no brainer for so many and Michael Schenker took the roof off in 2024. 

But there can be no doubting that Martin Barre has earned his status as legendary rock guitarist without a shadow of a doubt and it will be an honour. The author on Martin's website biography puts it perfectly,

"Martin Barre’s legacy extends beyond his remarkable career with Jethro Tull. He is celebrated not only for his technical prowess but also for the emotional resonance of his music. His dedication to his art and his ability to inspire both musicians and fans make him a towering figure in the world of rock music."

Roll on WinterStorm and Friday 29th November in Troon.

One Two and Three Day Tickets available

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WinterStorm Rock Weekender

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WinterStorm Rock Weekender

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WinterStorm Rock Weekender

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